Monday, December 16, 2013

4:45pm // 5:04pm

i am trying to be a better person. i am trying to remember to water my plants every morning and to tell my dog good bye every time i leave the house. lately, i’ve been trying to finish the cup of tea that i make every morning because for the past year, i always make a cup of tea in the morning but i never seem to finish it or i forget about it and either way it gets cold and there are far too many mug stains on my table. maybe i should try to use coasters. i am trying to give more, to be more, to see more, to do more, and to learn more. there are so many things that i want more of - more courage, more bravery, more confidence, more more more more. sometimes i wonder if you look at those four letters, do they turn into the five letters that spell out greed? maybe the answer isn’t to have more, maybe the answer is less - less hate, less cynicism, less anger, less criticism, less less less. less is more. lately, i’ve been trying to appreciate the people in my life, the words i read, the blue sky that is above my head every morning. i am trying to be a better person. i’m trying to not get love and lust confused. love is a plane journey and lust is a car ride. one lasts longer than the other. i’m trying to remember that. i am trying to remember to drink lots of water and eat proper meals, to kiss people on the cheek and forehead more often, to give more hugs and love and laughs. i am trying to be a better person, my god am i trying.

(ripped this off Tumblr)

A tad early for resolutions, but in 2014, I want to be a better person. A better daughter, a better student, a better friend. 

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